1. Kosovo and Metohija is an inseparable part of the state of Serbia on the basis of existing and all-binding constitutional and international legal documents. The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia are guaranteed not only by the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, but also by the United Nations Charter, the Helsinki Final Act and proper resolutions of the UN Security Council, especially Resolution 1244. Any solution for the future status of Kosovo-Metohija must be based on these basic principles, complying at the same time with the appropriate decisions of the UN Security Council. Any attempt to reach a decision that violates these basic principles would be declared null and void and dangerous for the survival of the state of Serbia, and as such, would represent a motive for the state organs of the Republic of Serbia to take appropriate actions in line with international law.
2. The Republic of Serbia is ready to start a new phase of negotiations for finding the most favourable solution for Kosovo-Metohija, taking into account all fundamental state interests, the legitimate interests of the Albanian national minority in the province, general interests of securing regional stability and prospects for peaceful and prosperous future for all its citizens. Laying out its proposal for substantial autonomy of Kosovo-Metohija, the Republic of Serbia is ready to reach a compromise solution to this issue.
3. To that end, it is necessary that interested international parties, together with representatives of the Republic of Serbia, secure true negotiations between representatives of the Republic of Serbia and interim institutions of self-government in Kosovo-Metohija. As opposed to unsuccessful talks led by Martti Ahtisaari, new negotiations must be open as regards their outcome and duration, while at the same time respecting the basic principles and norms of international law.
4. Serbian parliament thinks that the new United Nations Security Council resolution on Kosovo-Metohija should be brought only after the conclusion of talks at which a compromise solution for the province’s status resolution is adopted. New talks may be led only within the effective UN Security Council Resolution 1244 and on the basis of the United Nation’s clear mandate.
5. Serbian parliament demands that all United Nations member states respect Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in line with international law, UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Serbian parliament also demands that UN Secretary General takes all measures at his disposal, on the basis of UN binding documents, and prevent the breach of the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244. The Serbian government is under obligation to act towards the accomplishment of these demands posed by Serbian parliament.
6. Serbian parliament thinks that unilateral recognition of Kosovo‘s self-proclaimed independence would have unpredictable consequences on regional stability. The Serbian government and all state organs are under obligation to react vigorously and duly to any hint or act on the part of any international entity whose final aim would be unilateral acts of breaching Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This particularly refers to threats and acts of unilateral acknowledgment of Kosovo-Metohija’s independence.
7. The Serbian government is under obligation to form a new state negotiating team for talks on Kosovo-Metohija’s future status.
8. The Serbian government is under obligation to regularly inform Serbian parliament on international and domestic situation regarding Kosovo-Metohija.