Address Register Update

With the Fourth Industrial, i.e. the Digital Revolution, we have a chance to make up for lagging behind and catch up with more developed countries….
The digitisation process will enhance the standard and quality of life for hundreds of thousands of Serbian citizens. Efficiency will be increased, costs will be reduced and new value will be created in almost all areas of life and work. The digitisation process is the most important catalyst of innovations, competitiveness and growth.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, 3,028,020 citizens have registered residence in streets without a specific home number, of which 2,676,898 citizens have been registered at addresses for which no street name has been specified (known as "no street bb").

The address register contains data on street names and house numbers and is one of the key state registers in addition to the Central Population Register, Business Registers and the Real Estate Register. The number of streets in the database of the Address Register of Serbia (before the start of the project as of 14.02.2018) was 53,941. After the development of the survey of street systems for all streets in cities and municipalities of Serbia, a proposal for additional 67,307 was determined.

A large number of local governments have completed the naming process, as evidenced by the fact that 28,055 streets in 78 cities, municipalities and city municipalities have been named so far.

It is important to note that all costs of replacing valid personal documents, which are necessary due to the update of the address register, will not be borne by citizens but by the state.

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