Education is the priority and basis for the development of Serbia. Quality education available to everyone is an objective pursued by the Serbian Government, and it wishes to face the challenges related to education of youth for professions that will exist in the future. Young people are encouraged to think critically and analytically, the education process is modernised, and Serbia creates a society based on knowledge in which people, their ideas and innovations are the drivers of progress.
Who is the preschool education intended for?
It is intended for children of preschool age, from 6 months to the beginning of primary school.
Where is it carried out?
It is organized in preschool institutions which provide food, care, preventive health and social protection of children, and it can also be exceptionally done at school.
Who is the founder of preschool institutions?
Founders may include: Republic of Serbia, autonomous province, local self-government unit and another individual or legal entity.
Who enrolls children in the preschool institution?
Children are enrolled by their parents or other legal representative of the child. During enrolment in public preschool institutions, the priority is given to children from sensitive social groups (e.g. Romani, users of MOP, children with disabilities and difficulties...).
Children can also be enrolled in verified private preschool institutions.
How long do programs last?
Program of preschool education may be:
- all day - from 9 to 12 hours a day;
- half-day - preparatory preschool program - 4 hours a day;
- half-day - up to 6 hours a day;
- half-day - up to 6 hours a day, up to three times a week;
- multi-day period - longer than 24 hours.
What are the main objectives of preschool education?
The main goals of preschool education are to support the comprehensive development and welfare of the preschool child, the educational function of the family, further education and inclusion in the community, development of the potential of the child as a prerequisite for further development of the society and its progress.
Who is the preparatory preschool program intended for?
The preparatory preschool program is intended for children who are one year away from going to school. Since school year 2006/2007, it is compulsory. It lasts 4 hours a day for at least 9 months.