Intellectual property rights

Ideas take us forward

Serbia is building an economy based on science and innovation and larger investments in scientific research and development. Young scientists are enabled to stay in the country, and sustainable and dynamic country growth is provided by intensive connection of science and economy.

What is the purpose of intellectual property rights?

The purpose of intellectual property rights is to enable everyone to protect their idea, while still sharing it with the world.


The following intellectual property rights exist:


  • patents,
  • trademarks,
  • design,
  • indications of geographical origin,
  • topographies of semiconductor products,
  • copyright and related rights, as well as business secret.



What is a violation of intellectual property rights?

Every unauthorized use of the subject of intellectual property right represents a violation of rights.


Terms piracy and counterfeiting are most commonly used to indicate violation of rights. Counterfeiting is unauthorized production and sale of goods which has external appearance and trademark which are identical or similar to a protected design or trademark of another person or company.


Piracy is unauthorized use of other’s intellectual property, primarily in electronic format and its unauthorized disclosure on the internet.



List of representatives:

Should your intellectual property right be violated, you can contact one of the representatives.


Intellectual Property Office