Prime Minister Miloš Vučević attended today in Golubac a ceremonial opening of the first wind farm in eastern Serbia, "Krivača".
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Prime Minister Miloš Vučević attended today in Golubac a ceremonial opening of the first wind farm in eastern Serbia, "Krivača".
This joint investment by MK Group and Alfi Renewables is worth €165 million and represents a significant contribution to Serbia's energy transition.
The wind farm has a capacity of 105 megawatts and has 22 wind turbines and will produce 310 gigawatt hours of green energy annually, which is equivalent to the electricity needs of 75,000 households.
On that occasion, Vučević pointed out that this wind farm is the first such investment, which is fully financed on a commercial basis, and that the state did not have to help the project and provide incentives.
The Prime Minister emphasised that, on the other hand, the state was creating an environment for development and transition to renewable energy sources (RES) because this is our national interest.
The state creates the environment and creates the climate for investors to be interested in investing in such projects, and then it is up to the private initiative to recognise its chance and develop it, the Prime Minister underlined.
He said that what our country should continue to do and that is the task of the government of Serbia, and above all the Ministry of Mining and Energy, is to switch to RES, but not because we have committed ourselves to it, but because it is the need of our citizens and industry.
According to him, Serbia will certainly need more and more energy, as the country reindustrialises, that is, develops and opens new plants, factories and new jobs.
It is our national interest, our state interest, above all to be as energy independent as possible, that is, to have enough energy, the Prime Minister said.
The Prime Minister added that thanks to the "Krivača" wind park, 200,000 people will receive electricity from clean green energy, noting that this project has kickstarted several segments of our economy.
The official opening was also attended by Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Đedović Handanović, Ambassador of Slovenia to Serbia Damjan Bergant and representatives of the above-mentioned companies.
Photos: Slobodan Miljević