Vučević assessed that it is necessary to look at the current state of the Serbian economy and react in a timely manner so that our country achieves the best possible economic growth in the current year, which directly affects the lives of citizens, peace and stability of the country.
The Prime Minister pointed out that the economic growth in the first quarter was 4.7 percent, which is more than predicted, and emphasized that industry, construction, agriculture and processing industry are areas that are key to achieving economic growth and that have made great progress in the first quarter of this year.
The measures taken to attract direct foreign investments in the previous year were a significant driver of the domestic economy and an additional incentive for the creation of new jobs.
At the session, it was emphasized that the "Serbia 2027" Plan for the period from 2024 to 2027 envisages the comprehensive development of Serbia, as it includes programs to raise the standard of living of citizens.
When it comes to agriculture, the importance of investing in irrigation systems, flood protection, waste water treatment and electrification of fields was highlighted, and special emphasis was placed on additional incentives for animal husbandry.
In order to preserve sustainable economic growth, it was pointed out the necessity of further investment in capital projects in the field of road and railway infrastructure, as well as efficient realization and execution of the budget in the field of health, energy, environmental protection, sports and communal infrastructure.
At the meeting, it was concluded that in the coming period it is necessary to further develop the field of construction, primarily by further attracting foreign investments, and monitor the speed of issuing location conditions and building permits in order to release the full potential of private investments in Serbia.
It was also concluded that special emphasis will be placed on the development of the processing industry and finding new markets for the export of domestic products.